Plenary Address for The Arc's National Conference
Saturday, August 3rd, 2013
Bellevue, Washington
Saturday, August 3rd, 2013
Bellevue, Washington
I’d first like to acknowledge we are on the land of the
tribes that make up the Puget Sound Salish people. One of those tribes is the
Duwamish, of which Chief Seattle was a member. His name might be familiar to
you. However, you may not see the Duwamish tribe listed on maps of the area,
because they are still fighting for federal recognition and are at a critical
moment in this struggle. If you are interested in supporting this community,
please go to and make a contribution to their legal defense
fund. As people who are understanding and embracing diversity, I appreciate you
letting me take a moment to call for your support. That’s what happens when you
ask an activist to give a keynote.
My name is Ilsa Marie Govan. My first name, Ilsa, is not
from my cultural roots, which are Romanian, Polish, English, German &
French. It is a Scandinavian family name of my mom’s best friend when she was a
child. My mom says I whispered my name to her when I was in the womb, which is
not surprising given I was born in a commune to hippy parents.
My last name, Govan, comes from my dad’s side of the family
because mine, like many other families in the United States, has the cultural
practice of giving the last name of the father to their children. When my
French ancestors first came to this country via invasion of First Nations lands
in Canada, the spelling and pronunciation of our last name was changed from
Gauvin to Govan.
My mom gave me the nickname, Ilsa Marie Govan, prettiest
girl in all the land—I’m sure you can see why. We later questioned this as an
unusual choice for a feminist mother.
That is part of my name story, one activity we did with the
Equity Team at The Arc of King County to build relationships and better
understand our cultural differences. I’ve been working with The Arc of KC over
the past 2 years to address issues of racial equity for people with
disabilities. Today I’m going to share a big picture of what cultural
competence means, focusing on racial diversity, and then the next speaker Hye
Kyong Jeong will talk about some specific programs addressing equity and
In addition to introducing myself by telling you a bit about
my cultural background, I also want to start by naming the elephant.
How many
of you have been told not to notice race and especially not to talk about it?
In cultural competency work, we encourage people to talk about what is clear to
everyone but is not being said. In this case, I’m sure most of you noticed I’m
white. I’m guessing some of you thought it was a little unusual for a white
person to be the one addressing issues of racial equity and cultural
competence. So I’m going to talk directly about that elephant: being a white
person working for social justice.
First, it is important you know the bulk of what I’m sharing
today and the extent to which I understand these issues comes from the writing,
speaking, partnerships and relationships with people of color working for
social justice. Their scholarship and our conversations are the foundation on
which I’ve built my understanding.
I also believe we all have a responsibility to address
issues of inequity. Far too often, advocating for racial justice has rested on
the shoulders of people of color. This work is not just about recruiting a
diverse staff or serving people of color. It is about justice. Even if you are
working in an all-white community, I want you to reflect today on your
connection to the diversity of the larger population and how social justice
enriches all of our lives. As Dr. King said, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to
justice everywhere.” Whether we are white or people of color, whether we are
poor or wealthy, whether we have a disability or not, I invite you to join me
in thinking about how we can work with, not to or for, all communities for our
collective liberation.

However, there can be a lot of confusion about what to do.
What does it even mean to be a culturally competent professional?

Changing our organizations and ourselves is not easy. We may
feel our jobs are at risk as our organizations change priorities to be more
inclusive. We may deny our own stereotypes or feel shame for not recognizing
them and, as a result, unintentionally excluding or hurting people.

Admitting we had unintentionally stereotyped Native people
meant we had done something racist. None of us want that marker on our
identity. It was a struggle, but social justice advocates were eventually able
to convince the school to change, as they have at many across the country. And,
once I was willing to really listen, I learned something valuable about my own
biases in the process.
That’s one example of how we can personalize and then feel
defensive about issues around race, even as we say we want to understand and
embrace diversity. A key to growing your cultural competence is to make
mistakes, admit them, apologize, learn, and change your behavior moving forward.
When you or your organization is working to be culturally
competent, you are constantly in the process of going from unconsciously
incompetent to unconsciously competent around behaviors and policies.
An example of this from my life is the use of people first
language. For a long time, I wasn’t even aware that people first language
existed, much less why it is important. I was unconsciously incompetent. I’d
talk about the handicapped guy or the special ed kids at my school. Then I started
studying to be a special education teacher in college, and my professors taught
me the importance of people first. But, even though I knew better, I still
would say things about the “disabled people” out of habit. I’d catch myself
even as it was coming out of my mouth. That’s conscious incompetence. I call
this the painful part, because you know what you want to do differently, but
it’s like your thoughts and your mouth aren’t working together on this.
The next step is conscious competence. This is where you
have that voice in your head reminding you of what you should do just in time
to actually change your behavior. For me, it sometimes sounded like this, “Yes,
I just got a job teaching (pause) people with disabilities.”
At this point, I’m wanting to pat myself on the back or
maybe I’m looking for applause. While the people who have been advocating for
this for what seems like forever are thinking, “Okay, you made the step to see
us as more than just our disability, now let’s get on to changing some laws to
be more inclusive.” They likely don’t and shouldn’t be expected to, celebrate
my small victory.
The final step is where it becomes automatic. We’re
unconsciously competent. This is now true for me with people first language; it
feels automatic. In fact, I use what I know to correct and educate others.
In addition to recognizing it is an on-going process, there
is a framework for cultural competence I’ve found very helpful to many
organizations. Cultural competence consists of four parts: Awareness of one’s
self, your own socialization, stereotypes, beliefs and cultural norms;
Knowledge of others whose experiences and values are different from yours;
Skills in cross-cultural interactions; and Action and Advocacy to make changes
beyond individual relationships.

This is more difficult to notice when we have a dominant
group identity, because we are told our experiences are “normal”. Normalization
is an unearned advantage, or a privilege, in that we never have to think about
it or answer questions like, “What are you?”

Another example is these Playmobil toys. See if you can
identify the normalization. That’s right, instead of saying white or
European-American, these are just grandparents. We could also use this slide to
talk about stereotypes, another component of awareness.
Because of normalization, it is easier for most people to
notice areas where they don’t have a privileged identity, than areas where they
do. You can be culturally competent and have self-awareness around one aspect,
but not another. Here are pictures of some of the most popular representations
of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in media. What do
you notice?

Increasing awareness of yourself, particularly the areas
where your identity is normalized and privileged, is critical in being able to
see, name and work against injustice.

Many organizations think about understanding cultural
differences such as hand-shaking, eye-contact, food and multicultural
festivals. Although these are important, it is also critical to consider how
social and political systems effect marginalized and privileged groups.

This belief is called the “myth of meritocracy” or the “myth
of independence”. It is based on the false idea that we all get what we’ve got
because of our own individual efforts and that we are all starting with the
same boat. In social justice work, we need to shift our thinking to that of
interdependence. Recognizing some people are granted institutional benefits
through no greater effort on their part, just as some have insurmountable
obstacles, despite their hard work.
Interdependence also means we think critically about how we
work together in relationships. This shift in acknowledging institutional bias
is particularly important in disability rights organizations where the mantra
is one of maximizing independence, while recognizing the need for supportive
services. You are in a unique position to articulate to others what
interdependent work for systems change looks like. None of us has gotten to
where we are today solely through our own efforts. Interdependent coalitions,
not independent heroes are what truly shift society.
One example of institutional bias exists in is what some
call the medical industrial complex.

Now you’re probably wondering, but what can I do? That’s a
great question and it is important to understand that cultivating
self-awareness and knowledge of privilege, oppression, culture and systems is
an action step. If we try to jump into skills without first understanding the
problem and our role in it, we are likely to repeat the same mistakes, further
alienate communities of color, and cause burn-out among those working for

On the flip side, once you have awareness of yourself and
knowledge of others, you’ll naturally start to develop skills. For example, I’m
aware that I have a preference to call all people by their first names. This is
a deep cultural norm in my family and it stems from my white parents’ liberal ideas
that all people should be treated equally. We believe no one should be elevated
in status over another because of their age or degree.

Because I understand my own cultural bias and have knowledge
of this difference, I can translate this into skills by calling someone like my
business partner, who is African American, Dr. Hollins. I am able to
consciously shift my patterns of behavior to show her respect. Some call this
the platinum rule: Treat others how they would
like to be treated.
Skills in this framework are more about our cross-cultural
relationships with colleagues and community members. The final component of
cultural competence, action and advocacy, is the work we do for institutional

To summarize, cultural competence is an on-going process
made up of 4 parts, awareness, knowledge, skills and action and advocacy.
Achieving momentum in cultural competence won’t be easy, but
don’t give up. Remember, if plan A doesn’t work, the alphabet still has 25 more
letters. It is only through collective, sustained effort that we can shift
ourselves, our organizations, and our world to address the needs of those most
systematically disenfranchised and truly embrace our cultural diversity.
Thank you.
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